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Acknowledgements • i


Editor's Letter • iii


The Anatomy of a Siren • 1

Nashitah Chowdhury


Mixtapes for Mermaids • 2

Faith Allington


Nearer to You • 3

J.S. Betula


wet words • 4

Oliviah Lawrence


Ghost Hunting 101 (Or, The Time Zeb Found Himself Lost in the Cemetery) • 5

A.L. Davidson


Lumps • 6

Maggie Koons


Seiren • 7

Hayden Robinson


River Mumma • 8

Shayzan Brown


Kanaloa’s Gift • 9

Jessica Gleason


Midnight Bite • 10


The Sea Witch • 11

Lori D’Angelo


The Lighthouse • 12

D.W. Baker


Among the Waves • 13

Toshiya Kamei


A Price the Sea Demands • 14

Nina Kriszio


Under • 15

Devon Webb


Bodies • 16

Devon Neal


Sea Monsters • 17

Rachel Bruce


The Kraken • 18

H.V. Patterson


Drift • 19

Ash Morelock


Forgotten Bones • 20



The Abyss • 21

Chiara Picchi


About Our Authors • 22

© 2023 by Divinations Magazine, All Rights Reserved

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